The Diary of a Hedonistic Hiker
Submitted by admin on 17 Sep 2014
In the summer of 2013 Gina Dark entered a competition through Italia! magazine to win a holiday of her choice with Hedonistic Hiking in Europe. She joined our tour this June in Slovenia and Friuli and wrote a wonderfully comprehensive diary on her return of the events which took place over the nine days. We have been sharing the diary with readers of our monthly newsletter, but now the full diary is here for everyone to read, divided into three chapters. If you have been thinking about travel in Slovenia it will give you an insight into our tour there, but also a real first-hand view of life on any of our Hedonistic Hiking tours.
Many thanks to Gina for sharing this with us and we hope to see you on another tour soon Gina!
The Diary of a Hedonistic Hiker
Part One
Part Two
Part Three